The Benjamin DeMann Blog

Posts tagged with "Book of Mormon"

July 2, 2023

Book of Mormon Translation Part I

Part of my Response to The LDS Gospel Topics Essays: A Scholarly Engagement Intro We’re not going to be reviewing these essays in any significant order. It’s just in the order of what I am most interested in researching right now. The Book of Mormon translation is the topic that got me into this whole thing so we’re starting here. The pattern that we will be following is I will give my recollection of events to the best of my knowledge and try to give my perspective on how I felt as these…

August 30, 2023

Book of Mormon Translation Part II

This is part 2 of my perspective of the topic of the Book of Mormon translation: part of my Response to The LDS Gospel Topics Essays: A Scholarly Engagement Objective My purpose in reviewing the Gospel Topics Essays: I want to look over them to see what (if anything) is different from what I was taught growing up in the church. If anything is different I want to explore why it might be different. Finally I want to address if these differences might constitute church leaders hiding the truth…

October 31, 2023

Book of Mormon Translation Part III

Introduction to Book of Mormon Translation Theory A Preface to Part Three of My Book or Mormon Translation Gospel Topics Essay Review The last two posts about the translation of the Book of Mormon were building up to this moment where I review John-Charles Duffy's1 review of the Church's Gospel Topics Essay about the translation of the Book of Mormon. I was surprised that his essay focused mostly on the translation process and less on the translation tools. I feel like most of the controversy is…

March 3, 2024

Book of Mormon and DNA Studies Part I

Off the bat, I feel like this one doesn't really fit into the same theme of answering the question, "Is the church hiding stuff?" So I'm going to approach this topic a little differently. For part one, I'll try to go through what I already know about this topic, my feelings, and my opinions on it before doing further research. In part two, I'll go over the Gospel Topics Essay and point out anything new I learned from it. I've already looked at the essay a little bit, and I already know there is…

March 2, 2024

True Origins of the Book of Mormon Revealed

Joseph Smith occasionally would meet with an old man that lived near Joseph’s home1. In his late teenage years Joseph met several times2 with this old man who would tell Joseph stories from when he was younger. On at least one of these occasions, he told Joseph about a manuscript that he and his father had been writing3. In perhaps a moment of vulnerability the old man confided in Joseph that there had been some delays in finishing the text when his father had died4 and between that and some…


The Benjamin DeMann Blog

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